Four production sites dedicated to the manufacture of cheeses and one site specialized in the production of white cheeses and yogurts.


In 1969, Jacques and Jacqueline DELIN (parents of Philippe, the current Chair) created the DELIN cheese dairy

From the 1970s onwards, the production of fresh bottled milk and fromage blanc was quickly supplemented by soft cheeses.

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In 2019, the cheese factory in Montbéliard was incorporated into the group.

2019 Delin cheese dairy also celebrated its 50th anniversary!

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A family business firmly rooted in in Gilly-les-Cîteaux, Burgundy, we are proud to defend the work of our milk producers in order to guarantee them a fair and stable price for the milk they produce. We strongly favour local supplies and French suppliers of equipment and raw materials.

In our constant quest for innovation and excellence, we pride ourselves on offering our customers quality products.

Our product range is extensive and well-known and enjoys nationwide and international recognition. We have created strong brands around Brillat-Savarin (which became a PGI in 2017), the spearhead of the company.

Image bulle orange

Alexis Prim'holstein breeder in Saône et Loire

Image bulle orange

Nicolas Prim'holstein breeder in Côte d'Or

Image bulle noire

Samuel Montbéliardes breeder in the Jura

Image bulle orange

Vincent Prim'holstein breeder in Saône et Loire

Image bulle noire

Violaine Montbeliarde farmer in the Jura

Image bulle noire

Fabien Montbeliarde farmer in the Doubs

Image bulle orange

Sarah Prim'holstein farmer in Saône et Loire

Image bulle noire

Adrien Montbeliarde farmer in the Doubs

The producers

More than twenty milk producers exclusively supply their milk to the cheese dairy.

A contract is drawn up, guaranteeing them a fair price for their milk.

This partnership allows us to have the freshest milk most suitable for cheese-making possible.

See all producers

Key figures

Combined, the two production sites of the Delin cheese dairy (Gilly-lès-Cîteaux & Nuits-Saint-Georges) represent :

130 employees
7500 m2 of production area
12 million litres of milk processed / year
2350 tonnes of cheese produced / year

Corporate social responsability

Philippe DELIN, the company chair, is determined to develop the company’s CSR measures in the years to come.

Currently our CSR focuses on supporting local or French suppliers. More information


More information

Philippe DELIN, chairman of the company, is determined to develop the company’s CSR measures in the years to come.

To date, we have already implemented a CSR approach and are committed to: supporting local or French suppliers, controlling and limiting the company’s ecological footprint, implementing actions for well-being at work, defending a fair price that allows producers for feel pride and value in their work and supporting them in their organic conversion, integrating into local and regional community life …

Alongside Philippe Delin, all the company’s employees are committed to furthering these measures.